Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017


We kindly ask the authors of all accepted proposals to resubmit their proposal abstract through EasyChair, in Word format (.doc or .docx).

Why is this necessary?

First, your previous submission was anonymous. This version of your abstract will be published in the Conference Proceedings and needs to include the names and affiliations of the authors. Second, this gives you the opportunity to integrate the comments of the reviewers into your abstract, and to add any other minor improvements. Finally, we ask for Word format so we can standardise the layout of the abstracts. It helps if you keep your own formatting as simple as possible. We know that there are technologically more advanced solutions for creating proceedings, but working with Word documents seems the most practical solution for now.

What if my proposal was accepted in a different presentation format?

Please revise the abstract so that it reflects the new format. However, you’re not obliged to reduce (or increase) the number of words. But please do take the reviewers’ comments into account.

What to do if your proposal was conditionally accepted?

Please revise your proposal according to the instructions you have received, paying close attention to the reviewers’ comments. Your revised proposal should be ready to be included in the proceedings, so please do not anonymise it.


Conditionally accepted proposals should be resubmitted by 15 April 2017. The definitive version of all accepted abstract proposals should be resubmitted before 1 May 2017.


Please go to EasyChair and log in as author. Click the link “information” in the submission data, and then click the link “Update file” in the top right corner of the screen. Then choose your file and press the “Submit” button.